You're successful, smart & attractive, plus you've created your dream life with one exception... your ideal match.  

The 6-Week Method to Find a Loving Committed Relationship

Anyone can see it:

You still haven’t found your person. 

You see every woman you’ve known since pre-K getting hitched while your right thumb is becoming arthritic from all the swiping. You’re sick of hearing: “you’re gonna make one lucky guy so happy one day,” and you’re gonna have a conniption fit if another one of your ho-hum Bumble dates ask “You’re such a great catch, how are you still single?” 

You have no idea how you're still single.

You’re attractive, fun, kind and successful. You’ve got class humor and a bankroll to choke a bull. But for some reason… 

You’re a total catch.

Because, quite frankly...

…you deserve to have someone special to cuddle up with at the end of a long day of slaying.

…you deserve to find yourself laughing until your stomach hurts at Trader Joe’s because even the most mundane day-to-day activities have become fun adventures with a person who gets you in a way that no one else ever has.

…you deserve to feel so at ease with yourself that your beloved is drawn to you like a magnet.

…and you deserve to feel a calm, happy contentment wash over you as you realize you’ve never before felt so safe, supported, protected, loved, and cherished. All just for being you.   

 Your person is out there. 

I'll show you how to magnetize him

Trust me:

But it depends on taking a step-by-step inside-out approach: one that lays the foundation for an authentic, deep, and meaningful connection without the baggage and patterns you’re ready to leave in the past.    

So, if you’re still with me,  I couldn’t be more excited to formally invite you to join the premier love manifestation & dating program:  

YES, this is all possible for you — regardless of whether you’ve never had a relationship before, just left a long term partner, or fall anywhere between

A six-week, in-depth, training system to become the most attractive and confident version of yourself so you can easily magnetize and build a relationship with your ideal partner.

Your School of Manifesting Love enrollment includes:

6 Core School of Manifesting Love Modules(Valued at $5997) step-by-step lessons that teach you exactly how to manifest a loving relationship with your person..

Exclusive Members Only Facebook Group (Valued at $2,997)

Bonus No. 1: The Art of Man-ifestation (Valued at $1,197)

Bonus No. 2: Man-ifest Energy Intensive (Valued at $2,497)

Bonus No. 3: Release Meditation (Valued at $297)
Fully forgive, release, & cut-cords with anyone your'e holding onto unhealthy attachments to.

Bonus No. 4: Abundance Meditation (Valued at $297)

Chelsea & David

Chelsea went from single to engaged in less than 6 months! “It is the most amazing feeling to be with someone who wants you as much as you want them. It’s true love. Looking back at relationships I had in the past, they just weren’t even on the same level. From day one, he’s just truly made me feel like a queen. Crystal, I can’t thank you enough because working with you completely changed my mindset. I’m SO thankful I worked with you!”

Hannah & Callum

"I manifested a relationship with an amazing man and we're now living together with my kids. I was leaning back and dating loosely, as you taught and now things are amazing! We’re in Bali on holiday at the moment.He is everything I want and everything I’ve been looking for. He is 100% committed, great with my kids, and ALWAYS shows up for me. It’s so refreshing and different from my past relationships.

He oozes my top 5 - trustworthy, thoughtful, kind, generous, and great communicator. I literally wrote him into existence — I can't believe how amazing this relationship is — and it’s all because of you. 


"I actually went from single to married in less than a year, I just wish I'd found Crystal 10 years earlier! I found Crystal and I had just left behind a relationship. I knew I had to break out of an unhealthy cycle. Now I’m happily married to a wonderful man. He’s s fun, funny, consistent, and kind. 

I’m so happy I decided to invest in myself. There’s such power in investment. It’s a HUGE part of self care. If I have a goal, I ask myself ‘what can I do to bridge that gap and meet that goal?’ I feel like working with Crystal in this course bridged that gap for me. Everything with my husband was so aligned from the beginning. No confusion. No hesitation. I cannot believe I actually went from single to married in a year!

Ready to call in your person? 

Now is your chance to take advantage of the School of Manifesting Love FLASH SALE! 

Here's what you'll get when you join us:

6 Core School of Manifesting Love Modules: Step-by-step lessons that teach you exactly how to manifest a loving relationship with your person.
Exclusive Members Only Facebook Group 
Bonus #1: The Art of Man-ifestation Series 
Bonus #2: Man-ifest Energy Intensive 
Bonus #3: Release Meditation 
Bonus #4: Abundance Meditation 
PAY IN FULL BONUS: Authentic Online Dating Masterclass & Profile Audit

You’ll learn exactly how your past patterns have created your current love landscape, upgrade your beliefs, & unleash your inner magnetism. You’ll also learn how to quickly upgrade the way you communicate and interact with people you’re interested in to set yourself up only for heart-felt committed relationships.

Module 1

Raising Your Love Consciousness

In this first module you’re going to both discover what your love consciousness is and how to raise it. You'll discover:

The Four Manifesting Principles to guide you in your love manifesting process
Beyond the Law of Attraction: you’ll discover what the law of attraction is, how it serves us, and the other universal laws that pick up where the law of attraction leaves off. This will help you understand why you may not have been seeing the manifestation results you want!
Unlock your Love Miracle: the two powerful steps that will allow you to create a massive rapid transformation in your love life
Attractors & Repellents: discover the attraction triggers that inspire men to commit, as well as the top repellents that decrease your magnetism
Step Into the Frequency of Love

Module 2

Module 2


This is where you’ll create a solid foundation for lasting love. We all have a blueprint for love that develops from the time we’re kids. As we go through life, we view everything through this blueprint. By the time you’re finished with Module No. 2, you’ll have re-wired your brain for love and implemented a powerful love foundation to attract partners and relationships aligned with what your heart most desires.

Uncovering Your Love Blueprint: we’re digging deep into your conscious and subconscious minds so you can experience change on the deepest level.
Upgrading Your Love Patterns: release the fears and beliefs that aren’t serving you so you can stop repeating the same patterns and create healthier and happier relationship dynamics in the future.
Letting Go of Past Hurts and Ex’s: you’ll release past loves so you can enter a new relationship with a clean slate and an open heart.

Module 3

Module 3

Module 3


We’ll get clear on EXACTLY what you want and need in your dream relationship so you can forever banish the ideas that you’ll have to “settle” or that you’re “too picky.” Here’s how we’ll get you there:

Create your Man-ifesto: I’m sharing my 3-part signature process so you can have absolute clarity in both your dating and your manifesting on both the person and relationship you’re calling in. 
Shortcomings of our Instincts: discover how your instincts are letting you down, and what to rely on instead.
Get Clear on the Essence of the Relationship You Desire & 3 C’s of Relationships: get clear on the vision of love that will bring you the highest level of joy and fulfillment. We’re going to go deep and beyond the basics so that you never again waste time with partners who can’t give you what you really want.

Module 4

Module 4

Module 4


It’s one thing to create a vision, but it’s a horse of a different color to actually know and believe it’s possible with total certainty. But that’s what we’re going to do—here’s how:

Lock in the Essence of Your Desired Relationship: you’ll lock in the feeling of the relationship you seek so it becomes vivid and real even before it manifests in your physical world.
My Proven Shortcut for Accelerating Your Results: using my signature scripting and meditation process you’ll accelerate your results so you can bring your vision into reality fast.
Eliminate Fear & Doubt: I will show you how to clear out any of the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs telling you the relationship you want isn’t possible so you’re brimming with confidence.
Discover The Truth about Time (& how to collapse it)

Module 5

Module 5

Module 5


After creating the solid foundation and locking in your vision, you’ll be ready to step into the most attractive version of you so you can magnetically draw in the relationship you desire without struggle, chasing, or playing games. Here’s what you'll achieve:

Supercharge Your Confidence: You’ll get clear on what makes you special, get grounded in your own worthiness, and fully step into the high-value woman that you are and finally drop the fear and anxiety around meeting your person so you can actually enjoy your life!
Shift from a Getting Focus to a Receiving Focus: most women date from a place of trying to get something, you’re going to learn how to date with a receiving focus which is magnetic to high-value men.
Become the Partner You Seek: You’re going to begin embodying all of the qualities that you seek in a partner. Like attracts like—the more your essence matches with the partner you desire, the more easily you’ll attract that person. 

Module 6

Module 6

Module 6

Loving men 

I’m going to reveal my best secrets and practices for dating well—that is, setting yourself up for a committed relationship, and quickly letting go of the relationships that won’t fit the bill. We’ll cover:

Understanding Men's Stages of Development. We're going to break down each of men's stages of development from teenage years to 60's. You're going to have such a better understanding and appreciation of all the men in your life, allowing you to make sense of their otherwise hard to understand behaviors.
The Fundamental Differences Between Men & Women. You're going to discover 8 of the biggest differences between men and women. Appreciating these will allow you to deepen in your understanding and appreciation of men. 

I'm ready to enroll!

I'm ready to enroll!


Through this program, I manifested what was truly important to me in a relationship and what type of man I was seeking. By doing this, it kept me from considering any potential man who wasn't what I wanted or needed in my life, no matter how enticing it seemed at the moment. I've found a wonderful man. He fits the list — all of it…



I quit doing things for men after Crystal said I need to be ready and willing to receive and quite putting out effort in a way that wasn’t working for me. Guess what happened? I am now with a man who serves me constantly — cooks me food, makes me coffee, changes my oil, buys me little gifts, all of this without me asking. I shifted my mindset and my actions, and you can too. I promise it’s worth it.



We've been dating several months and he's amazing in so many ways. He's incredibly kind, giving, and always puts me first. We're compatible in so many ways, and we get along great.

Your work helped me learn to stop playing a role to avoid scaring away an emotionally-unavailable guy. Instead, I'd give them the time and space to make the effort to be with me!


questions other women asked before saying "yes"

Q: How do I know if this will work for ME? What kind of results can I expect? 

If I could, I would just hand deliver your perfect match to you and sit on your shoulder over the first few months coaching you through any potential issues that come up. 

But short of that…I’ve created this program as the next best thing. 

Here’s what I can tell you: it’ll work, if you work it. 

The School of Manifesting Love is taking an inside out approach to calling in the love of your life. Meaning, you’re not going to be tricking, pushing, or playing games to “catch a man.” You’re going to step into the version of you who is passionate, confident, and happy — so much so that she inevitably calls in her perfect match (as well as a slew of other great potential matches, fun, and opportunity). 

If you are a kind, smart, successful woman who genuinely wants to call in a committed, loving relationship, it will work for you. 

Any ideas you have about not being smart enough, attractive enough, not meeting enough men because you work in a female dominated industry/are shy/live in a small town...we’re gonna bust through those in Module 1 as you lay the foundation for calling in the relationship of your dreams.  

Q: This is something I've been struggling with forever, can 6 weeks really make a difference?

Here’s what I know to be true: you can shift in an instant. 

And everything is about perception. 

In your whole life, 6-weeks is not a huge chunk of a time. But for the kind of focused-attention, content, feedback, and coaching you’ll be getting from me during that period… 

It is major. 

Love is an area where you can make quantum leaps. You don’t need to go from never having had a relationship or only dating bad boys and then baby step it up. You can change your whole perception of yourself and of men and relationships fast. 

And that’s what we’ll do as we upgrade your Love Blueprint in Module 2 and learn to not only understand, but truly love men in Module 6. You will begin to immediately notice shifts not only in how you feel about yourself, but also how other people begin to respond to you as you firm up your boundaries and step in to a more empowered and magnetic version of yourself.  

Q: There just aren’t that many guys where I live/I work in a female field/I just don’t have a lot of opportunity to meet men, how will this work?  

You don’t need more dudes, you need a shift in perception, my dear. 

Your person is in your field somewhere. When you are truly clear on what you desire and ready to call him in, he’ll appear. You don’t need MORE guys to find YOUR guy. It just takes one. 

The magnetism that I keep talking about is more than physical, it’s happening on every plane. When you step into that, your person will be able to find you, even if he’s one of 36 guys in your town. 

You’re getting overly focused on the HOW, and that’s not your job. You don’t need to push, or force, or try to make something happen. 

As women, our superpower in love is becoming magnets. We’re not meant to go out and hunt for our person. Our power (and empowerment) is in calling him in and allowing him the space to pursue. 

Q: I’m happy to do the work, but doesn’t seem like most guys want commitment and that’s out of my control…

Well, that’s not really a question… 

But I think I get what you’re saying. 

First of all, that isn’t true. Men want commitment, but they’re not giving it out willy-nilly. Even notorious bachelors (I’m talking about you Prince Harry & George Clooney) settle down when it’s right for them. They just won’t be cornered into it. 

And that’s a good thing. 

For your person you will be that woman… 

...the one who makes him WANT to step up (and you don’t need to be a stunning 36 year old size 2 actress or human rights lawyer to be that woman). You can be that woman just by being the most attractive, authentic, magnetic version of yourself, and learning how to fully lean back. 

We’re covering all of this in Modules 5 & 6.

Q: How many hours will I need to devote to this to get awesome results?

I know you’re a busy woman. And the truth is, you’re not afraid of spending time on things that matter, are you? You’re afraid of wasting time. 

And the whole point of this course is to keep you from wasting time. 

Because I wasted a ton of time. I did all the things to call in my perfect match, but in this 6-week program, I am giving you the shortcut. 

We’re going into the heart of the matter so we can focus on the things that make a difference and skip right over those things that are a total time waste. 

In fact, that is why I think it’s so powerful to invest in a program like this. 

Money is a renewable resource. We spend it, we make more. Becoming the most magnetic, attractive, and happy version of yourself? Calling in the love of your life? Celebrating your love? Those things are invaluable. 

The goal of a program like this is to accelerate the process of calling in your person. If it’s true desire of your heart, it will happen for you. It’s just a matter of time. But what if you could go through that evolution faster? So there’s fewer years, months, and minutes that you aren’t with your person? 

Oh, you wanted some specifics? 

Well, to go through the course content each week and the live coaching calls will take just a few hours. How much time you devote to the work beyond the curriculum is up to you. I would suggest you have at least 10-20 minutes per day to journal and do some of the other assignment, and then several hours per week where you’ll be dating and interacting with potential matches. 

You will have access to the course content and call recordings forever, though. If you’re a little busy and can’t participate full out while we’re going through the program live, you’ll still get plenty of value whenever you decide to dive in.

Q: I’m really interested, Crystal, but the price is a bit much for me.  

I hear you! And you’ve gotta follow your intuition when it comes to investing money in yourself. 

When I was single, I would have given my right arm for a program like this. (I’m a leftie, but still). And I did invest a ton in coaching and education before I called in my husband. But every time an opportunity came up, I had to mull it over. 

What I always came back to is what I said above:  money is a renewable resource. And finding the love of my life is invaluable. 

But you have to decide for yourself: what would it be worth to you? If this program does even a fraction of what it claims and you could become more confident, magnetic, and release your old patterns and limiting beliefs about love and relationship, would it be worth it to you? 

For you to have a love expert and enthusiasm practically sitting on your shoulder coaching you as you change your beliefs, shift your perceptions, and take on a new approach to dating, would that be worth it to you? 

If a year from now you were fully committed to the love of your life and happily living together (or planning a wedding), would that be worth it? 

 You know how when people get engaged, the guy is expected to put down cold-hard cash and buy a ring to show their commitmen? It's because there’s always transformation available in the transaction. It's the same sorta thing here: when you’re willing to give up some of your hard earned cash, that’s a clear strong signal to the universe that you’re committed to calling in the relationship you desire. 

Lore & Anthony

I'd never had a boyfriend before joining Crystal's program. Now I'm dating someone great! He's outgoing, funny, respectful, and understanding and smart. He puts my needs and wants as a priority. He's just really thoughtful and sweet. He makes me feel so special. 

I'm so happy — I didn't think I'd end up with a boyfriend so quickly!

Crystal was always there through the process to address any questions and provide her utmost support. Thank you -- so thankful that I found your program.


"There is NO ONE like Crystal out there who is so specific & strategic yet also spiritual about finding love. I’m a 32 year old single mom and I hadn't had a relationship in 3 years. and I’ve been single for 3 years. I’m also a single mom. Dating has not been fun or easy for me. But I started adopting EVERYTHING Crystal taught. It wasn't long until I went on the first date with the man I’m now in a relationship with.  

It was easy and fun. He was consistent, he continuously made an effort, and there was no doubt that he liked me too because he made it clear through his words & actions. He is the sweetest, kindest, most attentive and doting man— he makes more of an effort than anyone I’ve ever met. He stepped up for me all because of what I learned and implemented from Crystal about manifesting love!"

Charlie & Gavin

“ “I met the man of my dreams after I stopped feeling so anxious about dating and made changes in my dating patterns. I knew on our first date this was different. I was completely myself for the first time in any relationship. No pretending, no structured text conversations to sound more appealing. I felt so comfortable with him and he adored me immediately.” We were engaged after dating for 7 months and married 3 months later.”


Orlane went from single to married in less than a year. She decided to prioritize her energy over everything else. She listened to the meditation every day and followed the formula to a T becoming the most magnetic version of herself. She manifested him exactly, as if out of thin air. He literally walked into her office

But wait... there's more...

And it doesn't stop there...

The proof is in the pudding

Since following Crystals teachings my entire dating life has turned around. No longer am I having unhealthy attachment because I went on a couple of dates with a guy. I have zero attachment to him or the outcome. My eyes are wide open and I truly feel empowered in the dating process.

All too often, we as women feel as though we are at the mercy of the men. “Do they want us?” “ Are they ready for a commitment?” I now feel empowered and I’m instead asking myself “does he fit the qualities and characteristics that I desire in a husband?” The ball is in my court. And from there I can make a truly empowered decision. I really do feel more empowered than ever and I am having more fun than ever in the dating process. This is all thanks to Crystal Irom’s teachings and programs.




I met my boyfriend a few weeks into working with Crystal. The relationship came out of nowhere and was intense from the beginning. We have been together ever since we met on the 2nd of February, spending very few nights apart. We’ve even moved in together and our planning our future together!

He’s the best person I’ve known and I thank life every day that I got to meet him. 

Your work on raising standards, clarity, and manifesting love is invaluable!


Ready to call in your person? 

Now is your chance to join the School of Manifesting Love at 50% off!

Here's what you'll get when you join us:

6 Core School of Manifesting Love Modules: Step-by-step lessons that teach you exactly how to manifest a loving relationship with your person.
Exclusive Members Only Facebook Group 
Bonus #1: The Art of Man-ifestation Series 
Bonus #2: Man-ifest Energy Intensive 
Bonus #3: Release Meditation 
Bonus #4: Abundance Meditation 
PAY IN FULL BONUS: Authentic Online Dating Masterclass & Profile Audit






Payment Plan

Full Pay

There's a before and after to my dating life/mentality thanks to this program!

To give a bit of background, I made the decision to be single 3 years ago, and a week prior to joining the group, I had been agonizing over whether or not to get on a plane for 20-hours to go spend my birthday with a man I had met earlier in the year during my travels. Our conversations were great, there was an attraction, and being around him felt comfortable/nice, but there were no fireworks in the mix. Being the adventure junkie that I am, I have *always* been about seeking fireworks and intense chemistry while dating. Long story long, just when I was about to back out on this guy (Even though he had thoughtfully planned out a romantic pre-birthday weekend getaway for us in the countryside) 

Crystal drops a truth bomb about chemistry vs. alignment of two souls and also talks about how certain characteristics within a partner cannot co-exist. For example, wanting a charming bad-boy that's loyal and wants to commit just to you. I just sat there in bed, listening, triggered, mindblown, shocked, speechless, not knowing what to do with myself after hearing this 😲!!! Not only did this truth help me go to book the plane ticket, but it also instantaneously shattered a massive block in my dating life that had held me back for years!!! (I had always attracted and chased the flakiest, coldest, most unthoughtful, and ungenerous commitment-phobes ever). I'm happy to say that having this breakthrough a few days prior to my trip was life-changing! The degree of emotional openness that it created for me has allowed me to delight in receiving the most amazing type of treatment a woman can get from a man. THANK YOU Crystal Irom Super excited to continue to learn from you ❤️


Crystal’s teachings instantaneously shattered a massive block in my dating life that had held me back for years! Clearing this block has created a degree of emotional openness in me that has allowed me to delight in receiving the most amazing type of treatment a woman can get from a man. 

I mean really…

Isn’t it time you stopped chasing, and were cherished?

How did I get all the way down here? I'm ready to manifest my person.